Contact Improv for All: Freedom in Falling

St Mary's Orthodox Church 8 Inman St , Cambridge
$65-100 sliding scale
Aaron BRANDO Brandes
Contact Improvisation
Who is this class for?
Suggested Attire
Loose fitting comfortable clothes

Let’s transform the skill of falling safely into the best part of the dance!
Starting from the floor and slowly increasing our comfort levels, we will practice falling for fun, from various dynamic situations. We will learn to use the architecture of our bones, awareness of our pelvis, and buoyancy in our legs as a way to navigate graceful pathways to the floor.
Through informed touch and movement we will explore the mobility and strength of our hip sockets; and learn about creating momentum and dynamic pivot points in our dance. We will expand our capacity for low-level falling and discover strategies to use falling as a doorway into true improvisation. We will practice falling (and following the fall) from higher levels and a variety of dynamic situations. We will develop skills for jumping and perching onto moving (falling) bodies.
Disorientation can be incredibly fun and exhilarating when explored with helpful tools!

Ticket Information