Creative Embodiment: Exploring the Landscape of the Body, Nature, and Imagination with Elisabeth Osgood-Campbell
May 30-June 4, 2016
Cultivate more artful relationships with yourself, others, and the land using the transformative tools developed by Tamalpa Institute co-founders, Anna Halprin and Daria Halprin. Engage in dance/movement, drawing, and poetic writing to discover the stories living in your body. Harvest new insights and options for your Life/Art in both the studio and the natural environment of Earthdance in the Berkshire hills. The workshop will culminate with self-portrait drawings and improvisational rituals in which you embody the new resources you have gained.
This workshop is designed to give participants an experiential understanding of the work of Tamalpa Institute, and is recommended as an introduction to their training programs. No prior experience necessary.
The beautiful setting and natural landscape of the Earthdance retreat center provide workshop participants with a beautiful studio, healthy meals and many hiking trails. A wonderful complement to this immersive Tamalpa workshop ~