Un.Convention Boston – Master Class
Un.Convention™ Boston is a unique dance workshop that delivers the best aspects of a dance convention in an intimate, studio setting. During this four day intensive, dancers will take classes in hip hop, contemporary, jazz, ballet, improv, acrodance and musical theater working with world renowned master teachers and JLDC faculty. Un.Convention™ Boston features small classes, individualized instruction, intimate performances and many opportunities to learn from leading dancers in the field.
Un.Convention is open to dancers of ALL levels ages 6 and up. Space is limited. Register early. All classes take place at JLDC’s new, state-of-the-art facility.
2018 Teachers Include: Kaylee Millis, Al Cattafi, Billy Griffin, Jeff Lapes, Rory Freeman, Angelica Stiskin, Kaelyn Gray and Sandi Duncan.