Presented by Fort Point Theatre Channel
various locations , Boston

Using a variety of art and performance forms, the partners and FPTC are creating short works drawing on themes from The Tempest, such as the consequences of colonialism, racism, gender stereotypes, immigration, and climate change.

Tempest Reconfigured seeks to foster connections across partners, neighborhoods, and constituencies—connections that benefit all participants and the city. The project intentionally embraces diversity of races, genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, ages, abilities, neighborhoods, interests, and socioeconomic levels.

This month’s event at Turtle Swamp Brewing, 4228 Washington Street in Roslindale features Luminarium Dance Company plus other surprise acts!

Upcoming performances include

Thursday, November 7 @ 7 pm: Black Box Theatre at Codman Square Health Center, 637 Washington Street, Dorchester
Thursday, November 14 @ 7 pm: Boston Public Library, Rabb Hall, 700 Boylston Street, Boston

and other locations to be announced.

Tempest Reconfigured is funded in part by a Live Arts Boston grant.