If you are having trouble getting payments from Brown Paper Tickets for performances held before the pandemic shut-down, please get in touch with dcash@bostondancealliance.org so that we can help our colleagues across the region look into this issue.

Boston Dance Alliance is not sure if this is a temporary problem related to staff availability or if it is something that has to be taken up with small business and consumer protection authorities. However, we are ready to act on your behalf!


Maintaining mental health and resilience in a period of social distancing is hard for many of us. Join a webinar designed for college students but available to anyone withDr. Girija KaimalDr. Sarah Lipson, and Dr. Jeremy Nobel May 13, 4:00 PM


Talk to the City of Boston!

The Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture is having it next Individual Artists and Creative Workers COVID 19 Meeting today, Tuesday May 11th from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Find out the latest guidelines and get your questions answered! You do not need to live in the City of Boston to participate. Session is limited to 500, so do register. If you have any questions, please contact arts@boston.gov These conversations with individuals and with organizations are archived, so you can watch them at your leisure.


The HEartS Research team (Health, Economic and Social impact of the ARTs), based at the Royal College of Music and Imperial College London, is part of a consortium looking at worldwide impacts of the pandemic on the cultural sector. Their survey takes about 20 minutes to complete and adds your voice to global understanding.

The Dance that is Not Happening — and the Dance That Is

The Davis Sisters have launched their project ArtMemorial.Dance to create an archive of performances, presentations, and events that have been cancelled or indefinitely postponed – in hopes that artists may feel some sense of closure, celebration, and perhaps recognition through this platform.

The project has 3 phases:
1. Gathering submissions
2. Collating materials for the website archive
3. Live reading ritual / duration event of all submissions followed by a dance party.
Submit your work and progress will be updated on Facebook and Instagram @TDSx2 and @sistersdavisthe


Project Trans(m)it is seeking submissions that might repurpose and re-image rehearsal footage into a fully-realised work, re-arrange staged performances to become screendance works, or turn group choreography into solos for the screen, and submissions of screendance work whose screenings were shut down.
This festival is a place to share dances and physical theatre that began with different intentions, such as live performances in 2020.

Submission from 3-10 minutes are welcome, small fees to support the online festival are requested. Deadline is June 1, 2020.

And more dance made for the camera

Dance Camera West is proud to announce the DCW2020 Virtual Film Festival Thursday May 14 to Monday June 1, 2020 on OVID.tv
For two weeks viewers can purchase viewing 7 day access to films screened in January 2020 at this Los Angeles based festival.  Following the festival run, many of the films will remain available to OVID subscribers with future revenue going to the filmmakers.


Feeling like you have to do *all the jobs* yourself while sheltering at home? Here’s some joyful inspiration for your creativity!