Yours for always

Presented by The Dance Complex
The Dance Complex 536 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 , Cambridge
Pay What You Can

Yours for always examines aging, leaving unanswered questions that have to be faced alone. These questions have physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions, sometimes scary, sometimes too filled with unforgiven guilt. Based on diverse sources: Klein’s poems, historical letters from BBC/Ulster, biblical text, and emotionally evocative, unusual contemporary songs, Murphy’s choreography experiments in the space of struggle between self, social mores and prejudices. His honest, unsparing voice refuses clichéd movements and simplistic solutions while searching for answers and for both public and personal acceptance.

This performance will take place in The Dance Complex’s ground floor space, Studio 7. A reception with light fare and beverages will follow the performance.

Karen Klein, poet/dancer and Sean Murphy, choreographer/dancer work in the teXtmoVes interdisciplinary intersection between spoken word &movement-poetry & dance, experimentally exploring their boundaries & connections.

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