Trinethra - the third eye festival of dance is back in its 7th year November 9, 2024 Scottish Rite Masonic Museum, 33 Marrett Road, Lexington MA 3:00pm - 7:00pm Created in 2015, by Jayshree Bala Rajamani a Lexington MA based dancer/teacher/choreographer, with the sole purpose of supporting our local dancers by providing them with an elegant stage and payment for their craft, while quite literally opening the "third eye" towards dance appreciation and understanding. This festival, over the years, has featured many talented dancers both within Massachusetts and around the US, in the varied classical Indian dance styles, while also inviting stalwarts from India to be featured. The festival also provides a stage for the young 2nd and 3rd generation dancers in the Upcoming Young Dancer Series.

TriNethra – the third eye festival of dance

Presented by Bharathakalai School of Dance
Scottish Rite Masonic Museum 33 Marrett Road , Lexington, MA
General: $25 ($30 at door) Gold Sponsor: $200

This Festival was set up to provide our dancers an elegant stage and payment for their art. The dancers need to be reflective of their dance form in its execution and presentation. Professional, Amateur, Casual and young dancers are all welcome.

Ticket Information