Artists Under the Dome

Presented by State Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg, the Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development, the Massachusetts Artists Leaders Coalition, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, and the State House's Cultural Caucus. With special thanks to the Epicenter Community.
Massachusetts State House, Great Hall , Boston

For the 10th time, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts invites Massachusetts artists working in all disciplines to the State House to thank them for all they contribute to our state’s economy and quality of life. Massachusetts is the only state in the country to hold such an event. Although not required, those attending are encouraged to register for this free event.

The morning speaking program will feature remarks by  State Treasurer Deborah Goldberg, Representative Cory Atkins- House Chair of the Joint Committee of Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development (TACD), Representative Smitty Pignatelli- House Vice Chair of TACD & Co-Chair of the Cultural Caucus, Representative Chris Walsh and with more speakers slated to be announced.

This year, for the first time, MALC will be inaugurating its annual “Champion of Artists Awards”.  The two awardees for 2016 are: Senator Daniel Wolf and State Representative Gloria Fox.

MALC will unveil their “Labor Policy” recommendations for the Commonwealth in an afternoon discussion panel moderated by MALC co-founder Kathleen Bitetti and Epicenter Community founder Malia Lazu. These policy recommendations expand on the Coalition’s work on its 2014 Governor’s Challenge paper and the principles MALC has set forth in its Fair Trade section of the MALC blog.





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