Boston Dance Alliance has been getting a lot of attention in the press lately!


Read the feature from WBUR’s The ARTery, Boston Dance Alliance Brings Artists Together To Help Solve Problems of Space and Money by Hannah Chanatry, with a focus on the innovative partnership between BDA and the Lyric Stage to create new opportunities for choreographers to create work in the City of Boston.

Check out the WCVB Chronicle video reported by Sangita Chandra about the joy of dance across Boston. BDA was happy to help facilitate this report. The final segment includes Boston Dance Alliance Board member Dr. Lauren Elson speaking about dancer health and Executive Director Debra Cash offering some words about the strength of our creative artists and appreciative audiences.

Boston Voyager likes to profile energetic organizations and people around town and settled on a summer feature about what BDA does for the dance community from our tiny office in the South End! Lots of pictures, too!

What’s the value of dance in our society? Debra shares some ideas as part of a series aimed at Northeastern University arts administrators in training.

Debra has a pithy quote in this WBUR feature story on next steps for Jose Mateo.

And of course if you tweet, remember to use #BostonDanceAll and for Instagram @BostonDanceAll