Boston Dance Alliance’s 6-year old Dancewear Distribution program received an amazing gift this winter: $23,000 worth of brand new leotards, tights, and other dancewear that our members can help distribute to financially disadvantaged dancers across our community.
Click here to learn more about how you can participate in the program lottery, and if you have any questions, please email

Tiffany Lau is a recent grad of Harvard University and is passionate about the role of art in social change. Her work has been presented at the Baryshnikov Arts Center, Harvard Art Museums, and Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts. In addition to dance, she is a medaling competitor in international ice skating! Currently working at an arts nonprofit consulting and research group, she also enjoys freelancing as a dancer-choreographer and technical theater enthusiast.
Dance/USA has just released its report The Impact of COVID-19 on the Field of Dance: Part II It quantifies what we knew anecdotally: ticket sales declined, virtual productions boomed, and unemployment or underemployment has been near universal. 50% of individual respondents are still not back to work. Find more details here.
Dancing Queerly and Pride 4 The People have partnered to produce “We’re Queer All Year.” This digital artist showcase features New England based dancers, movers, drag performers, poets & spoken word artists. The performance is free and available to watch by clicking on the button here.
VLA DANCE/Hibernian Hall Summer Movement Series is a free movement series hosted on Mondays and Wednesdays July 12 – August 11, 2021. Adult classes include AfroCuban Folklore (Yoruba) / Orisha Dance Technique, ballet, contemporary dance classes, and yoga. Pre-registration is required.
Dance Films Association and Film at Lincoln Center have announced their lineup for the 49th Dance on Camera Festival. This year, the festival will blend in-person and virtual programming so you can tune in! Showing from July 16-18.
Ballet Hispánico is performing at the Jacob’s Pillow Leir Outdoor Stage July 14-18. Their program includes Annabelle Lopez Ochoa’s Tiburones, Batucada Fantástica, and 18+1.
Also at Jacob’s Pillow this week is the Eastern Woodland Dances.This gathering of Mashpee Wampanoag, Seneca, Cayuga, and Nipmuc nation dancers highlights the breadth of Indigenous performance traditions within the Eastern Woodland region and its diaspora.
Check it out on July 17th.
The Fox Ballroom Dance Studio is hosting auditions for two upcoming pieces on Monday July 12th from 7:30-9 pm.
Jean Appolon Expressions is seeking 1-2 professional dancers to join the company for its 21/22 season. Interested applicants should complete the online application and submit headshot, resume, and video sample by July 16th at 5 pm.
SundanceX is seeking 3-4, fully-vaccinated, professional dancers with advanced ballet technique (including pointe for women), and some modern/contemporary background. To audition, applicants should send resume, photos, + video links via email
As the community reopens, there are more jobs and auditions on our website!
Check it out here to see if there is anything of interest!