People dancing in a circle with hands joined.

Arlington Community Barn Dance

Presented by Arlington Community Barn Dance!
St. John's Episcopal Church 74 Pleasant Street (enter on Lombard Road) , Arlington, MA
April 6 — 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
May 4 — 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Suggested contribution $10, $25 family maximum (but come help your friends have fun, whatever you can afford!)

A community barn dance includes dances in circles, squares, and lines – the dancing is both easy and fun! Dances are led by a caller, who teaches every dance. It’s a community event – dancers of every age are welcome; singles, couples, and families.
No previous dance experience necessary! Bring your friends!
Wear cool, comfortable clothing and soft-soled shoes.

Jacob Bloom, caller; Music by Carol Bittenson, Steve Bittenson, and Debby Knight
Sit-In Musicians Welcome and Encouraged!

Questions: or call 781-526-4721