NEFA Idea Swap

Presented by New England Foundation for the Arts
Mechanics Hall 321 Main Street, Worcester, MA , Worcester, MA

09:30-10:00 AM | Registration, Light Breakfast & Networking

09:30-10:00 AM | New to NEFA or Idea Swap

10:00-11:00 AM | NEFA Welcome & Overview of New England Presenting & Touring Programs
An overview of the New England Presenting & Touring programs and application process.

11:15-11:45 AM | Project Presentations – Part 1
5-minute project presentations by New England-based presenters and artists. Projects will be selected in advance of the event. Info TBA.

11:45-12:15 PM | A Conversation on Samite’s Tour in New England

12:15-1:30 PM | Lunch & Networking

1:30-2:15 PM | Mini-Swap Sessions

2:15-3:00 PM | Project Presentations – Part 2

3:00-4:00 PM | Dessert & Networking
Mix and mingle with folks you haven’t met yet and connect with peers.

Ticket Information