The Newton Dance Concert
The Festival of the Arts will be a two month long, citywide celebration and showcase of Newton’s talented citizens and organizations. There are numerous events throughout the month that cover almost every art form.
Participating groups include CreationDance, directed by Helena Froehlich, Dance Currents Inc., directed by Kathy Hassinger, Selmadanse, directed by Joanie Block, and Thaillai Fine Arts Academy, directed by Sunanda Narayanan. This second annual event will present dances which were not seen last year, and will include a number of premiers.
Joanie Block and Kathy Hassinger are co-chairs of the event.
According to mayor Setti Warren, “Art, music and cultural events are very important to the richness and vitality of a community and to Newton in particular… Proceeds from the Festival will help support Newton’s food pantries, nonprofit arts and cultural organizations as well as cultivating Newton’s young artists.”