Searching for a Phase Change with LaneCoArts
In Searching for a Phase Change, choreographer Lane Gifford explores the concept of contemporary communication in a collaboration with visual artist Yang Jiemin, and dissects the actions of correspondence, imagery on paper and letter writing.
A “phase change” describes a transformative action in nature which allows changes in states of composition and chemical make-up such as the conversion of liquid, solid or gas.
In Searching for a Phase Change, dance and writing represent distinct “phases.” LaneCo and Jiemin juxtapose these two separate components, movement and words, to create the through-line of the piece. The key third component is the audience and their participation in this entire “phase change.”
Searching for a Phase Change searches for a convergence of parts through the generative processes of communication. The distinct elements collide and intersect as LaneCoArts shapes one working system from various behavioral, stylistic, physical and dramatic parts.