Got Your Tickets for the BDA Gala Yet?

With just a month to go, it’s time to order your tickets for spring’s favorite event, the Boston Dance Alliance’s 2016 Gala! This year we honor two very special people, pioneering classical Indian dance teacher Neena Gulati as the Dr. Michael Shannon Dance Champion, and the late, beloved dance administrator, teacher and raconteur J. Allen … Continued

Gulati and Collier to be honored at 2016 BDA Gala

At BDA’s April 21 Gala, we will be honoring two very special honorees, Boston Indian dance pioneer Neena Gulati as the 2016 Dr. Michael Shannon Dance Champion and the late J. Allen Collier as the inaugural BDA Unsung Hero.   Read more under the BDA Gala tab on this website and order your tickets here … Continued

Korean delegation explores Boston dance

BDA Executive Director Debra Cash was on hand when a delegation of dance professionals from Korea visited Boston and met with Susan Weiler and Cheryl Weber from World Music/CRASHarts. Thanks to two hard-working translators, the discussion ranged from issues of audience development,  childhood dance education and career development for dancers to trends in international dance … Continued

Funeral arrangements for Marcie Mitler

Eliza Mallouk writes: Thank you all for your kindness and support over the past few days. The outpouring of love via Facebook and emails has been deeply healing for me and I suspect for many of us.   Funeral Arrangements: When: Monday, February 22 at noon Where: Mount Auburn Cemetery, Storey Chapel (There will be … Continued

A Tragic Loss in Our Community

Boston Dance Alliance grieves to share the news that Marcie Mitler, co-producer with Eliza Mallouk of the Across The Ages Dance Project, was killed yesterday when she was hit by a car. In her website biography, Marcie was wry and self-deprecating as she wrote “Marcie Mitler was a professional dancer until 1984, when she went into … Continued

Nominate a Champion and Unsung Hero! Deadline is Feb 16, 2016

Boston Dance Alliance’s 2016 Gala is coming up this spring… which means it is time for you to nominate the 2016 Dr. Michael Shannon Dance Champion! The Dr. Michael Shannon Dance Champion Award, created in 2004, recognizes a member of the metropolitan Boston dance community over the age of 60 who has made a great contribution to Boston’s dance landscape … Continued

Somerville live/work space for artists!

In Spring 2016, the new Milbrook development in Somerville will lease five affordable artist live/work units for Somerville artists or artists who can demonstrate their work/activity in Somerville. Rents will range from $800 to $1,000 for one bedroom units and $950 to $1,300 for the two bedroom unit (the rent will be dependent upon applicant income.)    See … Continued

Sad News about a Valued Member of our Community

Boston Dance Alliance is saddened to report the death of Ina Hahn, who passed away from cancer on January 22 at the age of 86. Ina, who had studied and performed with Doris Humphrey and was a certified reconstructor of the Humphrey-Weidman repertory, was also a Broadway dancer whose credits included Can-Can, the King & I, Carousel, Plain & … Continued

BDA Wins Capacity Building Grant from The Boston Foundation

The Boston Foundation’s Vision Fund is a special program designed to support capacity building efforts that help nonprofit organizations  increase their impact and effectiveness. We are delighted to share the news that Boston Dance Alliance has been awarded a 2016 Vision Fund grant to support the development of our new website. Since Boston Dance Alliance is not a bricks … Continued

Meet Kristen San Miguel!

Introducing BDA’s Operations and Membership Associate   The arts, and particularly dance, have been a passion of mine since I was young, and I was very fortunate to have wide access to arts education growing up.   I took my first dance class at age 3, studied piano and guitar, performed as a part of … Continued