Contact Improv Boston Winter Workshop
Emptying, Landing, Soaring with Andrew de Lotbinière Harwood
Gravity-Levity // Relaxation-Activity // Center-Periphery
A gentle warm up of somatic and release techniques will bring us to various activities for enlivening the senses. We will pay special attention to the head/tail connection and strengthen the link between our center and our extremities so that our take-offs, landings, and travels-through-space are brave, smooth, and safe. Grounded and centered with relaxation and breath, we can be truly open to finding immediate creative solutions to various unpredictable (perhaps even awkward) situations. Tuning, toning and enlivening our entire being creates a state of readiness, which leads us to fuller, vibrant, connected dancing. Bring curiosity, a keen desire to dance, and a willingness to see and be seen.