Cuban Casino Couples Dancing with Or Gadish

The Dance Complex 536 Massachusetts Avenue , Cambridge
$120 All Sessions including free ticket to The Cuban Dancing Social in March; $12 Special try-it-out rate for the first 90 min session; $20 Per Session for The Second and Third Sessions; No Drop Ins Accepted After The Third Session
Or Gadish
Cuban Salsa
Who is this class for?

I will be teaching a special 8-week workshop series on Cuban Casino partners dancing (sometimes called Cuban Salsa) suitable for novices and intermediates alike. Dancers of all levels and backgrounds are welcome, and no partner is required. Each 90-minute lesson will build on the previous ones, but be designed so that missing one session won’t set anyone too far behind.
On top of the dance moves themselves, I will cover some history to place Cuban Casino dancing in the context of Salsa and other Latin dances, and also teach some elements of musicality to help the students follow the rhythms and music better as dancers.
Finally, there will be limited spots, so please reach out to me by email ( to sign up for a spot if you’re interested!

Ticket Information