DELving Mini-Workshop: Merce Cunningham & Blondell Cummings

Perles Family Studio at Jacob's Pillow 358 George Carter Road , Becket, MA
Ann Biddle (Director, DEL at Jacob’s Pillow) and Felice Santorelli (DEL Facilitator).
Who is this class for?

This interactive movement workshop explores the work of modern dance choreographers Merce Cunningham and Blondell Cummings. Both Cunningham and Cummings engaged in ground-breaking choreography methods: Cunningham used the abstract concept of “chance” in his choreography and Cummings’ work centered around personal narrative drawing inspiration from “everyday movement.”

Led by Dance Education Laboratory (DEL) Facilitators Ann Biddle and Felice Santorelli, participants will:
– Explore the significant contributions of both Cunningham and Cummings
– Connect the creative process of these artists to dance-making, dance history, and dance education
– Engage in collaborative dance making and embodied research

Open to dancers and dance educators of all levels, ages 16+.

Ticket Information